Finding the Right Training Method to Develop your Staff

Are your staff getting the most out of the training you provide?

As employers, we cannot underestimate the
importance of developing our employees.
However, the method chosen when developing
staff is equally important. A recent survey of 500
UK employees and 250 UK L&D decision-makers*
shows that there is a clear discord between what
employees want from their training and what
they get.

Of those surveyed, online learning (including virtual workshops and eLearning) was the most common form of training offered by employers, with 70% of employers opting for this method. However, employees deemed the online method as the least effective way to learn, with only 29% of respondents showing preference for it. 

Interestingly, the survey also highlighted that 67% of learning and development needs were not being identified until performance reviews. What’s more, 5% of businesses had no means in place to even identify learning needs. On a positive note, the data shows that employees have a desire for both personal and professional growth. So, what can we do as employers to give employees the development they want, for the benefit of both employer and employee? 

A great option is coaching, and the employees
surveyed agree, with 59% opting for coaching
and mentoring as their preferred method of
development in the workplace. Coaching is a
method of achieving set goals through one-to-one
sessions and is credited for producing optimal
performance and improvement at work, as well as
employee alignment to Company objectives.
When I coach clients, I give them the tools to take
ownership of their own development, helping them
set the goals and objectives they want to achieve. 

To read more about coaching with me, and what
my clients have to say, click here.

Dawn Tolcher