Bradley's Story

How employing young people can benefit you as much as your new staff member.  

I’ve spoken previously of the personal success
I’ve had from employing ex-offenders, and how I
assess all candidates based on their capabilities,
their attitude and what they can bring to a role.

It’s a sad fact that there are certain groups in
society who seem to be viewed as less favourable
when it comes to recruitment. But given the current
job market and low unemployment rate, employers
cannot afford to be so picky when searching for a
new employee.

Young people often miss out when they apply for a
new role. They may be deemed too inexperienced,
or a prospective employer may not want to
invest time in training and mentoring. Yet in
my experience, offering employment to young
people can result in plentiful benefits, for both the
employer and the new employee.

As a leader, I’ve always believed that if you put
good people around you, set them goals to
achieve and give them a steer then you’re on
course for success. And our team at Liiift is the
perfect example of the success that can arise if an
employer invests the time to develop their staff.

Bradley was out of work when he was initially referred to us on the Kickstart Scheme. He knew his skillset and what he wanted to do – graphic design – but he didn’t have the qualifications or experience and so he was written off by prospective employers. Keen to work, he demonstrated his drive and his ambition, and I was able to match him with an employer through Kickstart.

Bradley excelled; he was able to develop
both personally and professionally and his
attitude to work was exemplary. When his Kickstart
placement came to an end, I was delighted to
offer him a job at Liiift where he has gone from
strength to strength, impressing us and our clients
with his work ethic and creative designs.

Bradley says, “I am eternally thankful for the
opportunity that has been given to me. I had
always had a passion for graphic design, and a
portfolio of work that I had created, but because
I didn’t have formal qualifications, I didn’t stand a
chance at getting even an entry level role. Dawn
saw past that; she saw my passion and my skills
and realised my potential and wasn’t afraid to
offer me a job and give me the chance to develop.
It is a thrill to see how happy Dawn and our clients
are with the work I produce, and I am dedicated to
working hard and developing my skills further.”

So, there you have it. By believing in Bradley’s
skills and attitude, Liiift has benefited massively
from gaining a young and talented designer who
delivers for us, and for our clients.

If you’d like advice on how to offer job opportunities to young people, then please just get in touch.

0151 268 0088

Dawn Tolcher